Why do gay men get hiv

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It's great to be with you today.ĬORNELIUS JONES, JR.: Yes. DIRECTOR, BLACK AIDS INSTITUTE: Well, thank you. Thank you both so much for speaking with us. He lives in Los Angeles and his story was featured in the report. He was diagnosed as HIV-positive 14 years ago. With us to talk more about that report is Phil Wilson, the institute's founder and executive director. What's behind that alarming statistic is detailed in a new report, 'Back of the Line: The State of AIDS Among Black Gay Men in America 2012.' That report was compiled by the Black AIDS Institute. In fact, one in four new infections are among black men who have sex with men. We'll be bringing you stories from that conference all week and the global fight to treat and prevent HIV and AIDS.īut, currently, no group in American is more at risk of becoming infected with HIV than gay and bisexual men. This weekend, the International AIDS Conference opens in Washington, D.C. We will hear from his granddaughter, Tukwini Mandela, in just a few minutes.īut, first, we want to turn to a health crisis here in the United States. He's known around the world as a great leader of our time, but to his family, he's simply Grandfather. Coming up, former South African President Nelson Mandela turns 94 today. I'm Michel Martin and this is TELL ME MORE from NPR News.

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